A paixão pelo chope artesanal

Na Mackbier, a tradição se encontra com a inovação, criando chopes artesanais de alta qualidade que encantam todos os paladares em Divinópolis.

Large, polished copper brewing tanks in an indoor brewery setting with overhead lighting and a railing in the foreground. The room has white walls and several windows allowing natural light to complement the artificial lighting.
Large, polished copper brewing tanks in an indoor brewery setting with overhead lighting and a railing in the foreground. The room has white walls and several windows allowing natural light to complement the artificial lighting.


A Mackbier está situada em Divinópolis-MG, oferecendo chopes artesanais que encantam os paladares mais exigentes em um ambiente acolhedor.


Rua Medina , 180 Divinópolis MG


Seg-Sex: 8:00 as 17:00

Entre em Contato com a Mackbier

Estamos aqui para atender suas dúvidas e sugestões sobre chopes.

Inside a brewery, a large copper brewing vat is visible in the foreground. On the tiled wall behind it, there is a detailed flowchart depicting different stages of the brewing process, including malting, lautering, and fermenting. Several people are observing the installation, with some standing close to the machinery and others on an elevated platform in the background.
Inside a brewery, a large copper brewing vat is visible in the foreground. On the tiled wall behind it, there is a detailed flowchart depicting different stages of the brewing process, including malting, lautering, and fermenting. Several people are observing the installation, with some standing close to the machinery and others on an elevated platform in the background.